NAV Navbar
  • Introduction
  • Timesheets
  • Users
  • Groups
  • Reports
  • Timecategories
  • Metrics
  • Definitions
  • Errors
  • Introduction

    Warning! These features are no longer available for customers who signed up after July 27th, 2022.

    Tymeshift API

    Zendesk account name (user), Your tymeshift token (token) and Account creator email (requester_email) is required parameters and must be included to every api request.

    You can find this info at settings page of your tymeshift account: ADMIN -> SETTINGS -> SHOW ADVANCED OPTIONS


    Get timesheets

    curl ""

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        status: "ok",
        result: {
            data: [
                    id: "188429881",
                    start_time: "1470182013",
                    end_time: "1470182110",
                    seconds: "97",
                    tz: "-5",
                    tymeshift_user_id: "193711",
                    zend_user_id: "8925286908",
                    username: "David Birchmier",
                    zend_assignee_id: null,
                    zend_group_id: "30140868",
                    status: null,
                    ticket_type: null,
                    subject: null,
                    assignee_updated_at: "2016-08-02T23:45:02Z",
                    initially_assigned_at: "2016-08-02T23:45:01Z",
                    assigned_at: "2016-08-02T23:45:01Z",
                    timesheet_type: "TICKETS",
                    tymeshift_ticket_id: "21815181",
                    zend_nice_id: "1",
                    jobcode: "1 - Sample customer",
                    assignee_name: "",
                    group_name: "UNDEFINED"

    List Timesheets

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/listtimesheets

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Description
    user true string Zendesk account name
    token true string Your tymeshift token
    requester_email true string Account creator email
    payroll_period_start false integer Payroll period start selector. Can be one of the following values:
    0 - not using (in this case used start_time and end_time properties)
    1 - current payroll period
    2 - previous payroll period
    3 - 2 weeks ago payroll period
    4 - 3 weeks ago payroll period
    -1 - last 7 days
    -2 - last 14 days
    -3 - last 21 days
    -4 - last 28 days
    start_time false integer Start time (unix format). Not used if payroll_period_start != 0
    end_time false integer Start time (unix format). Not used if payroll_period_start != 0
    limit false integer Limit or response. Default 100
    offset false integer Offset of response. Default 0


    Get users

    curl ""

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        status: "ok",
        result: [
            id: "68190866",
            user_id: 8054558407,
            email: "",
            username: "David Birchmier",
            group_id: "8054558407",
            role: "admin",
            perms: "1",
            photo: "",
            default_group_id: "360000154927",
            taid: "68190866",
            deactivated: "0",
            time_schedule_weekend: "0",
            time_schedule_value: "8",
            can_use_voice_console: "1",
            can_use_voice: "1",
            can_view_voice_dashboard: "1"

    Get agent's list

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/listusers

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Description
    user true string Zendesk account name
    token true string Your tymeshift token
    requester_email true string Account creator email
    agent_id false integer Tymeshift user ID
    group_id false integer Zendesk group ID


    Get groups

    curl ""

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        "result": {
            "0":"All Groups",
            "360000154867":"Account Management",
            "360000154927":"Cx - Tier 1",
            "360000157508":"Cx - Tier2",
            "360000157548":"Premium Support",
            "360000154887":"Professional Services",
            "360000154827":"Tech Support"

    Get zendesk groups' list

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/listgroups

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Description
    user true string Zendesk account name
    token true string Your tymeshift token
    requester_email true string Account creator email


    Generate basic report

    curl ""

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        start_time: 1529107200,
        end_time: 1529712000,
        result_total: {
            status: "ok",
            start_time: "2018-06-16T00:00:00+00:00",
            end_time: "2018-06-23T00:00:00+00:00",
            data: {
                totals: {
                    job_codes: [
                        zend_ticket_id: "287795486",
                        total: "151",
                        ticket_name: "74 - Lara Colon",
                        nice_id: "74"
                        zend_ticket_id: "287797686",
                        total: "58",
                        ticket_name: "258 - Greta Hardin",
                        nice_id: "258"
                    users: [
                        zend_user_id: "68192186",
                        total: "1261",
                        username: "Emily Costa",
                        email: ""

    Generate basic report

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/basicreport

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Description
    user true string Zendesk account name
    token true string Your tymeshift token
    requester_email true string Account creator email
    agent_id false integer Tymeshift user ID
    group_id false integer Zendesk group ID
    payroll_period_start false integer Payroll period start selector. Can be one of the following values: - not using (in this case used start_time and end_time properties) - current payroll period - previous payroll period - 2 weeks ago payroll period - 3 weeks ago payroll period - last 7 days - last 14 days - last 21 days - last 28 days
    start_time false integer Start time (unix format). Not used if payroll_period_start != 0
    end_time false integer End time (unix format). Not used if payroll_period_start != 0
    ticket_status false integer Ticket Status can be one of the following values: - any status\n1 - new - open - pending - solved - closed - hold\n
    tags_all false string String separated by comma with tags what EACH present at the ticket (if one of this tags not present at the ticket then the ticket is NOT relevant)
    tags_any false string String separated by comma with tags what ANY present at the ticket (if one of this tags is present at the ticket then the ticket IS relevant)
    tags_none false string String separated by comma with tags what NOT present at the ticket (if one of this tags IS present at the ticket then the ticket is NOT relevant)
    show_general_job_codes false integer 1/0 - show or not general jobcodes at report

    Get Specific metrics

    curl "[]=solved&ticket_types[]=reopened&start_date=05/01/2019&end_date=08/14/2019&reporting_period=custom&offset=0&limit=100&last_id=0&agents[]=57054255&group_id=20795777&order=username.asc\"

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        "status": "ok",
        "data": [
                "startTime": "1558640468",
                "pointType": "solved",
                "agentId": "57052215",
                "agentName": "Will Smith",
                "groupId": "360000171443",
                "groupName": "Dream Team",
                "ticketId": "506595935",
                "ticketNiceId": "1366",
                "ticketName": "1366 - Will Smith"
                "startTime": "1565161557",
                "pointType": "solved",
                "agentId": "57054555",
                "agentName": "John Doe",
                "groupId": "20795777",
                "groupName": "Support",
                "ticketId": "506599805",
                "ticketNiceId": "1681",
                "ticketName": "1681 - John Doe"
                "startTime": "1565161538",
                "pointType": "solved",
                "agentId": "57054555",
                "agentName": "John Doe",
                "groupId": "20795777",
                "groupName": "Support",
                "ticketId": "506599765",
                "ticketNiceId": "1679",
                "ticketName": "1679 - John Doe"
        "total": {
            "data": {
                "c193f59b25495d4ee47166326ef372c83842cb4e": {
                    "event_sum": 152523415,
                    "event_num": 156,
                    "event_num2": 156,
                    "sum": 156,
                    "type_id": "32",
                    "type": "solved",
                    "day": "2019-05-06",
                    "event_sum2": 0
                "6fb6fcb5fde5322771cc5991ab894b1bac8c08a3": {
                    "event_sum": 44363692.833333,
                    "event_num": 18,
                    "event_num2": 18,
                    "sum": 21,
                    "type_id": "37",
                    "type": "reopened",
                    "day": "2019-05-24",
                    "event_sum2": 0
            "total": 177
        "start": 1556686800,
        "end": 1565845199,
        "tz": -5,
        "timezone": "US/Central",
        "lastDay": "05/01/2019"

    Get information about solved/escalated/attended/reopened points.

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/GetSpecificMetrics

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Description
    token true string Your tymeshift token
    ticket_types true array Set of these possible values: ["solved", "escalated", "attended", "reopened"]. Must include at least one value.
    start_date true string Start date (MM/DD/YYYY).
    end_date true string End date (MM/DD/YYYY).
    reporting_period false string Points to the type of reporting period. Can be one of the following values: ['today', 'yesterday', 'custom']
    offset false integer It's used for ability to select data from required result line's number. It will be >= 0. By default = 0
    limit false integer It's used for setting the limit to returned information. It will be >= 0. By default = 100
    last_id false integer It's used for retrieving information starting from exact ID value in 'EventsSe' model. It will be >= 0. By default = 0
    agents false array Contains agents' IDs. Results will be calculated only for agents with these IDs.
    group_id false integer Information will be returned only by those agents which are belong to specified group. This option has higer priority than 'agents' parameter.
    order false string Can be used for sorting results by different values. Allowed values:
    10: Order by ASC.
    9: Order by t.ID DESC.
    'username.asc': Order by t.zend_user_id ASC, DESC.
    'username.desc': Order by t.zend_user_id DESC, DESC.
    'jobname.asc': Order by zend_ticket.tsheet_job_name ASC, DESC.
    'jobname.desc': Order by zend_ticket.tsheet_job_name DESC, DESC.
    'metric.asc': Order by t.se_type ASC, DESC.
    'metric.desc': Order by t.se_type DESC, DESC.
    Default grouping is by t.start_time DESC, DESC.


    Get Timecategories

    curl ""

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        status: "ok",
            "text":"Non Expedited",
            "name":"Non Expedited",

    Get list of time categories

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/listtimecategories

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Description
    user true string Zendesk account name
    token true string Your tymeshift token
    requester_email true string Account creator email
    parent false integer ID of parent timecategory


    Load metrics

    curl ""

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        data: {
            68192186: {
                data: [ ],
                metrics: {
                    average_handle_time: 2461,
                    tickets_cnt: 1,
                    tickets_total: 2461,
                    productive_time: 0,
                    aht_solved: 0,
                    occupancy_rate: 0.74269228215667,
                    working_time: 331362,
                    handled: 0,
                    tickets_solved: 0,
                    csat_good: 0,
                    csat_bad: 0,
                    csat_score: -1,
                    public_comments_per_hour: 0,
                    tickets_solved_per_hour: 0,
                    tickets_solved_per_hour_wt: 0,
                    tickets_handled_per_hour: 0
                group: "68192186",
                username: "Emily Costa",
                zendesk_user_id: "28398668848",
                ticket_types: {
                    TICKETS: {
                        exclude_ocupancy_val: 0,
                        productive_time_val: 0,
                        total: 2461,
                        cnt: 1,
                        t: [ ],
                        aht_solved_num: 0,
                        aht_solved_sum: 0
                    GENERAL TASKS: {
                        exclude_ocupancy_val: 13211,
                        productive_time_val: 0,
                        total: 13211,
                        cnt: 0,
                        t: [ ],
                        aht_solved_num: 0,
                        aht_solved_sum: 0
                    UNTRACKED: {
                        exclude_ocupancy_val: 0,
                        productive_time_val: 0,
                        total: 328901,
                        cnt: 0,
                        t: [ ],
                        aht_solved_num: 0,
                        aht_solved_sum: 0
                channels: [ ],
                total: 344573

    Generate report with metrics for requested time period.

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/listMetrics

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Description
    user true string Zendesk account name
    token true string Your tymeshift token
    requester_email true string Account creator email
    start_time false integer Start time (MM/DD/YYYY).
    end_time false integer End time (MM/DD/YYYY).
    prim_groupby false integer Grouping Level 1 can be one of the following values: 0 - Customer (default), 2 - Agent, 3 - Group, 4 - Day, 5 - Ticket Field, 10 - Ticket Time Category.
    sub_groupby false integer Grouping Level 2 can be one of the following values: 0 - Ticket ID, 3 - Agent, 4 - Group, 5 - Day, 6 - Ticket Field, 11 - Ticket Time Category. By default it group by Ticket ID.
    sub_sub_groupby false integer Grouping Level 3 can be one of the following values: 3 - Agent, 4 - Group, 5 - Day, 6 - Ticket Field, 11 - Ticket Time Category.
    prim_groupby_val false integer Value for Grouping Level 1.
    sub_groupby_val false integer Value for Grouping Level 2
    sub_sub_groupby_val false integer Value for Grouping Level 3

    Get metric

    curl ""

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        time_scheduled: {
            status: "ok",
            start_time: "2018-06-06T00:00:00+00:00",
            end_time: "2018-06-12T23:59:59+00:00",
            data: [],
        metrics: {
            tickets: {
                status: "ok",
                start_time: "2018-06-06T04:00:00+00:00",
                end_time: "2018-06-13T03:59:59+00:00",
                data: [
                        total: "2461.0000",
                        min_start_time: "1528382496",
                        max_end_time: "1528727114",
                        zend_ticket_id_group: "web",
                        etotal: null,
                        ptotal: null,
                        tickets_num: "1",
                        ticket_type: "TICKETS",
                        prim_groupby: "68192186",
                        username: "Emily Costa",
                        ischat: null,
                        channel: "api",
                        zchannel: "web"
            aht_solved: {},
            assignee_time: {},
            chats_handled: {},
            voice_handled: {},
            chats_duration: {},
            chats_touched: {},
            chats_frt: {},
            chats_rating: {},
            chats_messages: {},
            chats_missed: {},
            chats_wait: {},
            csat_score: {},
            tickets_assignee: {},
            public_comment: {},
            private_comment: {},
            fat: {},
            frt: {},
            afrta: {},
            crt: {},
            attended: {},
            escalated: {},
            solved: {},
            reopened: {},
            handled: {},
            one_touch: {},
            unattended: {},
            unassigned_unattended: {},
            tickets_created: {},
            tickets_backlog: {}

    Generate report with metrics for the selected time period.

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/getMetrics

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Description
    user true string Zendesk account name
    token true string Your tymeshift token
    requester_email true string Account creator email
    start_time false integer Start time (MM/DD/YYYY).
    end_time false integer End time (MM/DD/YYYY).
    prim_groupby false integer Grouping Level 1 can be one of the following values: 0 - Customer (default), 2 - Agent, 3 - Group, 4 - Day, 5 - Ticket Field, 10 - Ticket Time Category.
    sub_groupby false integer Grouping Level 2 can be one of the following values: 0 - Ticket ID, 3 - Agent, 4 - Group, 5 - Day, 6 - Ticket Field, 11 - Ticket Time Category. By default it group by Ticket ID.
    sub_sub_groupby false integer Grouping Level 3 can be one of the following values: 3 - Agent, 4 - Group, 5 - Day, 6 - Ticket Field, 11 - Ticket Time Category.
    prim_groupby_val false integer Value for Grouping Level 1.
    sub_groupby_val false integer Value for Grouping Level 2
    sub_sub_groupby_val false integer Value for Grouping Level 3

    Get metrics for specified timezone

    curl "[]=average_of_replies&metrics[]=tickets_solved&prim_groupby=2&sub_groupby=5&token=709fcd2d8e89e47d1897a647475a3640"

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        "status": "ok",
        "data": {
            "57054695": {
                "metrics": {
                    "average_of_replies": {
                        "metric_value": 1,
                        "prim_groupby": "57054695"
                "val": "57054695",
                "title": "Marlyn Manson",
                "data": {
                    "2019-03-06": {
                        "metrics": {
                            "average_of_replies": {
                                "metric_value": 1,
                                "prim_groupby": "57054695",
                                "sub_groupby": "2019-03-06"
                        "val": "2019-03-06",
                        "title": "03/06/2019 | Wed",
                        "data": []
            "144344485": {
                "metrics": {
                    "tickets_solved": {
                        "metric_value": 1,
                        "prim_groupby": "144344485"
                "val": "144344485",
                "title": "Celine Dion",
                "data": {
                    "2019-03-04": {
                        "metrics": {
                            "tickets_solved": {
                                "metric_value": 1,
                                "prim_groupby": "144344485",
                                "sub_groupby": "2019-03-04"
                        "val": "2019-03-04",
                        "title": "03/04/2019 | Mon",
                        "data": []
        "timezone": "US/Central",
        "tz_offset": "-6"

    Generates grouped information for selected metrics with taking into account the specified timezone.

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/GetMetricsWithTzOffset

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Required Type Description
    token true string Your tymeshift token
    timezone false string Required timezone (in PHP supported format)
    metrics true array Set of selected metrics. List of available values is the same as for Summary report's AJAX query.
    group_id false integer Agents' group ID value.
    start_time false string Start time (MM/DD/YYYY).
    end_time false string End time (MM/DD/YYYY).
    agents false array Set of agents IDs values.
    tigopy false integer Flag for Tigopy's calculation type.
    ww_group_id false array Set of the agents groups' IDs.
    agent_views false array Set of the requested agents' views.
    prim_groupby true integer Grouping Level 1 can be one of the following values: 0 - Customer, 2 - Agent, 3 - Group, 4 - Day, 5 - Ticket Field, 10 - Ticket Time Category, 11 - Ticket form, 20 - Brand, 100 - Zend ticket, 101 - Ticket type, 102 - Zend user.
    sub_groupby false integer Grouping Level 2 can be one of the following values: 0 - Ticket ID, 1 - Customer, 3 - Agent, 4 - Group, 5 - Day, 6 - Ticket Field, 11 - Ticket Time Category, 12 - Ticket form, 21 - Brand.
    sub_sub_groupby false integer Grouping Level 3 can be one of the following values: 1 - Customer, 3 - Agent, 4 - Group, 5 - Day, 6 - Ticket Field, 11 - Ticket Time Category, 12 - Ticket form, 21 - Brand.
    prim_groupby_val false integer Value for Grouping Level 1.
    sub_groupby_val false integer Value for Grouping Level 2
    sub_sub_groupby_val false integer Value for Grouping Level 3
    channel_filter false array Set of tickets channels' names. Used for results' filtration.
    tags_all false string Comma separated list of required string tags' values (all at once).
    tags_any false string Comma separated list of required string tags' values (at least one of listed).
    tags_none false string Comma separated list of not needed string tags' values (any of listed at all).
    prim_groupby_default_group_check false integer Flag that indicates do we need to group results to default agent's group or not for primary grouping.
    sub_groupby_default_group_check false integer Flag that indicates do we need to group results to default agent's group or not for sub-grouping.
    sub_sub_groupby_default_group_check false integer Flag that indicates do we need to group results to default agent's group or not for sub-sub-grouping.




    Parameter Type Description
    total number Total items for input criteria
    data object Information about single timesheet


    Parameter Type Description
    id number Tymesheet ID.
    start_time number Start time. Unix format
    end_time number End time. Unix format
    seconds number Timesheet length. In seconds
    tz number Timesheet timezone
    tymeshift_user_id number Tymeshift user ID
    zend_user_id number Zendesk user ID
    username string Timesheet creator username
    zend_assignee_id number Zendesk assignee user ID
    assignee_name string Zendesk assignee user name
    zend_group_id number Zendesk group ID
    group_name string Zendesk group name
    status string Zendesk ticket status
    ticket_type string Zendesk ticket type
    subject string Zendesk ticket subject
    timesheet_type string Timesheet type (Possible values: UNTRACKED, TICKETS, GENERAL TASKS)
    tymeshift_ticket_id number Tymeshift ticket ID
    zend_nice_id number Zendesk ticket nice ID
    jobcode string Job name
    initially_assigned_at string Assignee updated at time
    assignee_updated_at string Initially assigned at time
    assigned_at string Assigned at time



    Parameter Type Description
    id number Tymeshift user ID.
    user_id number Zendesk user ID.
    email string User email.
    username string User name.



    Parameter Type Description
    id number Group ID.
    group_name string Group name.



    Parameter Type Description
    start_time integer Start time (unix format) of generated report
    end_time integer Start time (unix format) of generated report
    zend_tickets ZendTicket
    result_total object


    Parameter Type Description
    status string Status of operation (\"ok\" / \"fail\").
    data object


    Parameter Type Description
    totals object


    Parameter Type Description
    job_codes array JobCodeTotal
    users array UserTotal



    Parameter Type Description
    status string Status of operation ("ok" / "fail").
    total object List of totals by ticket type
    metrics object List of grouped metrics.



    Parameter Type Description
    status string Status of operation (\"ok\" / \"fail\").


    Parameter Type Description
    tickets object Tickets metrics. ticketsMetric
    tickets_assignee object Tickets metrics. tickets_assigneeMetric
    public_comment object Tickets metrics. public_commentMetric
    private_comment object Tickets metrics. private_commentMetric
    csat_score object Tickets metrics. csat_scoreMetric
    fat object Tickets metrics. fatMetric
    frt object Tickets metrics. frtMetric
    afrta object Tickets metrics. afrtaMetric
    crt object Tickets metrics. crtMetric
    solved object Tickets metrics. solvedMetric
    escalated object Tickets metrics. escalatedMetric
    attended object Tickets metrics. attendedMetric
    reopened object Tickets metrics. reopenedMetric
    handled object Tickets metrics. handledMetric
    one_touch object Tickets metrics. one_touchMetric
    lhold object Tickets metrics. lholdMetric
    unattended object Tickets metrics. unattendedMetric
    unassigned_unattended object Tickets metrics. unassigned_unattendedMetric
    chats_handled object Chats Handled chats_handledMetric
    chats_duration object Chats duration. chats_durationMetric
    chats_touched object Chats touched. chats_touchedMetric
    chats_frt object Chats First Response Time chats_frtMetric
    chats_rating object Chats rating. chats_ratingMetric
    chats_messages object Chats messages. chats_messagesMetric
    chats_missed object Chats missed. chats_missedMetric
    chats_wait object Chats wait. chats_waitMetric



    Parameter Type Description
    prim_groupby string Primary group ID
    total numeric Total time for group (if grouped by agent then total time on agent for selected time period)
    tickets_num numeric Total number of tickets for group (if grouped by agent then total number of tickets on what agent work for selected time period)
    tickets_list string List of tickets ID's comma separated.
    etotal numeric Total exclude occupancy time for group
    ptotal numeric Total productive time for group
    username string Agent name (if group by agent)
    ticket_type string Ticket Type (can be TICKETS, GENERAL TASKS, UNTRACKED)
    zchannel string Channel Name (can be web, chat, voice)
    channel string Zendesk Channel Name



    Parameter Type Description
    prim_groupby string Primary group ID
    event_sum numeric
    event_num numeric Total number assigned tickets for group
    username string Agent name (if group by agent)



    Parameter Type Description
    prim_groupby string Primary group ID
    event_sum numeric
    event_num numeric Total number public comments for group
    username string Agent name (if group by agent)



    Parameter Type Description
    prim_groupby string Primary group ID
    event_sum numeric
    event_num numeric Total number private comments for group
    username string Agent name (if group by agent)



    Parameter Type Description
    prim_groupby string Primary group ID
    event_sum numeric Number of GOOD scores
    event_num numeric Number of BAD scores
    username string Agent name (if group by agent)



    Parameter Type Description
    prim_groupby string Primary group ID
    event_sum numeric Summ of times to First Assigned Time from ticket create
    event_num numeric Number of tickets
    username string Agent name (if group by agent)



    Parameter Type Description
    prim_groupby string Primary group ID
    event_sum numeric Summ of time to attended from ticket create
    event_num numeric Number of tickets
    username string Agent name (if group by agent)



    Parameter Type Description
    prim_groupby string Primary group ID
    event_sum numeric Summ of time to first comment from ticket assignee
    event_num numeric Number of tickets
    username string Agent name (if group by agent)



    Parameter Type Description
    prim_groupby string Primary group ID
    event_sum numeric Summ of time to last solved from ticket create
    event_num numeric Number of tickets
    username string Agent name (if group by agent)



    Parameter Type Description
    prim_groupby string Primary group ID
    event_sum numeric
    event_num numeric Number of solved tickets
    username string Agent name (if group by agent)



    Parameter Type Description
    prim_groupby string Primary group ID
    event_sum numeric
    event_num numeric Number of escalated tickets
    username string Agent name (if group by agent)



    Parameter Type Description
    prim_groupby string Primary group ID
    event_sum numeric
    event_num numeric Number of reopened tickets
    username string Agent name (if group by agent)



    Parameter Type Description
    prim_groupby string Primary group ID
    event_sum numeric
    event_num numeric Number of attended tickets
    username string Agent name (if group by agent)



    Parameter Type Description
    prim_groupby string Primary group ID
    event_sum numeric
    event_num numeric Number of handled tickets
    username string Agent name (if group by agent)



    Parameter Type Description
    prim_groupby string Primary group ID
    event_sum numeric Summ of time to first solved
    event_num numeric Number of one_touch tickets
    username string Agent name (if group by agent)



    Parameter Type Description
    prim_groupby string Primary group ID
    event_sum numeric Summ of time to last solved from ticket create
    event_num numeric Number of hold tickets
    username string Agent name (if group by agent)



    Parameter Type Description
    prim_groupby string Primary group ID
    event_sum numeric
    event_num numeric Number of unattended tickets
    username string Agent name (if group by agent)



    Parameter Type Description
    prim_groupby string Primary group ID
    event_sum numeric
    event_num numeric Number of unassigned_unattended tickets
    username string Agent name (if group by agent)



    Parameter Type Description
    prim_groupby string Primary group ID
    event_sum numeric Sum of chats first response time
    event_num numeric Number of chats with first response time > 0
    username string Agent name (if group by agent)



    Parameter Type Description
    prim_groupby string Primary group ID
    event_sum numeric
    event_num numeric Number of missed chats
    username string Agent name (if group by agent)



    Parameter Type Description
    prim_groupby string Primary group ID
    event_sum numeric Sum of total messages on chats
    event_num numeric
    username string Agent name (if group by agent)



    Parameter Type Description
    prim_groupby string Primary group ID
    event_sum numeric Number of chats with 'good' rating
    event_num numeric Number of chats with 'bad' rating
    username string Agent name (if group by agent)



    Parameter Type Description
    prim_groupby string Primary group ID
    event_sum numeric Sum of average response time on chats
    event_num numeric Number of chats with average response time > 0
    username string Agent name (if group by agent)



    Parameter Type Description
    prim_groupby string Primary group ID
    event_sum numeric
    event_num numeric Number of touched chats
    username string Agent name (if group by agent)



    Parameter Type Description
    prim_groupby string Primary group ID
    event_sum numeric Sum of durations of chats in selected period
    event_num numeric Number of chats in selected period
    username string Agent name (if group by agent)



    Parameter Type Description
    prim_groupby string Primary group ID
    event_sum numeric Sum of time on handled chats
    event_num numeric Number of handled chats (with time of it)
    username string Agent name (if group by agent)



    Parameter Type Description
    zend_ticket_id number Zend ticket ID
    nice_id number Zend nice ID
    total number Total time on ticket in seconds
    ticket_name string Ticket name



    Parameter Type Description
    zend_user_id number Tymeshift user ID
    total number Total time on user in seconds
    username string User name
    email string User email



    Parameter Type Description
    id number Zend Ticket nice ID.
    subject string Ticket subject
    description string Ticket description



    Parameter Type format
    code integer int32
    message string
    fields string



    Parameter Type Description
    id number Timecategory ID.
    name string Timecategory name.
    parent_id string ID of parent timecategory
    mychildscount number Number of child timecategories


    The Kittn API uses the following error codes:

    Error Code Meaning
    400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
    401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
    403 Forbidden -- The kitten requested is hidden for administrators only.
    404 Not Found -- The specified kitten could not be found.
    405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a kitten with an invalid method.
    406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json.
    410 Gone -- The kitten requested has been removed from our servers.
    418 I'm a teapot.
    429 Too Many Requests -- You're requesting too many kittens! Slow down!
    500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
    503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.